Online shopping has become a huge industry and the preferred way most people do their shopping nowadays. But many of those who shop online do not think twice before using their cards to complete their orders. And this can cost them a lot of money if they are not careful. These tips can be used to enhance your shopping experience online, through security and convenience. 1. Use a credit card...
How to securely use your IT gadgets when travelling
Regardless if you are traveling domestic or international, mobile devices frequently connect to unsecured wireless hot-spots, can be lost or, worse, can become victims of encryption by ransomware viruses. Here are some security tips that users should keep in mind as a general guideline when using their digital devices: 1. Connect only to secure Wi-Fi connections. Places that provide free wireless...
What is the difference between SSD and HDD
Currently, if you are looking for a storage device for your laptop, you have two choices to pick from, very different one from the other. These devices are called HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and SSD (Solid State Drive). HDD, being the older technology, has a lot of design drawbacks that an SSD doesn’t have, including speed limitations, mechanical components that are vulnerable to shock, or high...
How to buy headphones
Headphones are a needed accessory in today’s world and with such a wide variety of products available on the market, picking the right one for you can be a daunting task. Headphones can be classified by the way on how they attach to the ears: 1. On-ear headphones 2. Over-ear headphones 3. Earbuds 4. In-ear monitor (IEM) headphones 5. Clip-on headphones Another method to distinguish them is...
How to secure your private Wi-Fi network
When creating a private Wi-Fi network for your home, you need to make sure your network is secure. You need to know that Wi-Fi access points (routers) can be used as a tool by hackers to access your data. That is because Wi-Fi signals are often broadcasted beyond the walls of your company or home which means that hackers or neighbors, who do not have access to the Internet, could be tempted to...
Tips to follow when connecting to a public Wi-Fi network
Public Wi-Fi networks can be extremely dangerous because your personal data that goes through the system can be accessed by hackers, such as credit/debit card numbers and the passwords to use them. You can follow a series of simple rules to avoid becoming a cybercrime victim. 1. You should always enable the option to use a secure connection (HTTPS) in your device settings. This is also...
What is Bandwidth and Data Transfer?
When choosing a web hosting plan, we need to consider several aspects such as data transfer speed and bandwidth. These concepts can be confusing for some users, so let’s try to explain what we are talking about when using terms such as transferring data from a web hosting or bandwidth. The data transfer limit is an essential factor when determining what type of web hosting plan we need...
How to increase your Windows 10 computer speed
Sometimes, to increase computer speed, you need to upgrade the hardware components to newer ones. Let’s take a few minutes to present to our readers a few ways how to increase the computer speed without changing any part on their computer. 1. Make sure that all the files you have on your desktop are in folders. Organizing your files into folders cleans up the desktop and also reduces the...
Cloud technology
Cloud technology is one of the most effective ways to describe web-based IT services hosted outside your location. When using cloud-based services, your IT infrastructure is hosted on dedicated servers and is no longer on your server at the office or home. In fact, what is the cloud? In a simplified form, Cloud Computing refers to storing, processing and using data on computers and...