A basic list of Linux commands


Linux is an operating system that originates from UNIX. Until now, Linux has been used as a reliable and complex server operating system, due to the fact that it is open source and free. Because all operating systems use various common commands to create new directories or edit them, we’ve been thinking of presenting you some of these universal commands.

1. /bin Here are the basic commands that all users have the right to execute.

cat shows the content of a file
chgrp  Change the group to a file
chmod  Change the mode of a file
chown Changes the owner of a file
dd  Converts and copies a file
df  Displays the free space
dir  Lists the files in a directory
echo  Displays a line of text
grep  Displays a line that meets quality
gzip  Gzip archiver
gunzip  Unzip a gzip archive
hostname  Displays or changes the hostname of the system
kill kills the processes
ln Creates links between files
ls Lists the files in a directory
mkdir Creates a directory
mknod Creates devices
mount Mount a device
mv Moves files from a source to a destination
ps Report process status
pwd Print current path
rm Delete a file / directory (rm -r)
tar Targator / tar stripper
touch Create a file
umount Dismantle a device
uname Displays system information

2. / sbin Here are the basic commands that only the root user has the right to execute.

depmod It deals with the dependencies of a kernel loader
dhclient Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
fdisk Partition manipulation program
fsck Check and repair the file system (etx2, ext3, vfat, msdos etc …)
halt, reboot, poweroff, shutdown Stop the system
ifconfig Configures an interface
ifup, ifdown Starts or stops an interface
init, telinit Initializes processes
insmod Inserts a kernel loader
ldconfig Somehow upgrades knowledge about systemlibraries
lilo LInuxLoader
losetup Sets and controls loopdevices
lsmod Lists the loaded modules in the kernel
lspci Lists devices on PCIs
mkfs Creates a file system
modinfo Lists information about a kernel loader
modprobe With its help you can better handle the modules
rmmod Removes a loaded module from the kernel
route Handles route handling
runlevel Find the current and previous runlevel
setpci Configures PCI devices
start-stop-daemon Daemon start / stop program
sysctl Configures the kernel parameters at startup

3. /usr/bin Here are the basic commands that only the current user has the right to execute.

chattr Change the attributes of an ext2 file system
du Estimates the use of space by a file / directory
file Find the type of a file
find Find a file in a path
host Host name server query program
killall Kill a process by name
last, lastlog Display the username of the last logged in user
less Pipe program
logname Display the username with which you have logged in

Due to the large number of Linux distributions, we are unable to provide you with a list of all orders, but these are common to all distributions. There is still a lot to be said, but that’s a start in the Linux world.

About the author

Ilias spiros
By Ilias spiros

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