ALGOL, AutoIt and AppleScript programming languages


ALGOL which is short for ALGOrithmic Language is a programming language suitable for writing algorithms.

It was made in 1959, but the most widespread version is ALGOL-60, which was adopted at an international conference in Paris and was perfected by specialists from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).

ALGOL was used on large numerical computers. the SUBSETALGOL-60 version has been developed for small numerical computers.


AutoIt is a free scripting and automation language for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Initially, it was created exclusively for the automation of various tasks in the running programs, but it has become a programming language completely loved by many people, especially system administrators.

With the launch of version no. 3, the AutoIt syntax has been restructured to look more like the BASIC family languages. It is a 3rd generation programming language using a data storage model that allows a variable to hold any type of data – integers, strings, charts, etc.

An AutoIt automation script can be compiled into a compressed executable file that can be run on systems that do not have the AutoIt interpreter installed. A wide range of libraries known as UDFs are also included or available for download to add extra functionalities. AutoIt is distributed along with a variant of the SciTE IDE called SciTE4AutoIt.


  • Scripting language with a BASIC-like structure.
  • Libraries and modules for various types of applications.
  • Online support on the official AutoIt forum for users and developers.
  • Supports TCP and UDP protocols.
  • Supports COM objects.
  • Can call functions from DLL libraries.
  • You can create applications in the console.
  • You can create applications in the graphical interface.
  • Can simulate mouse movements and events.
  • Can handle windows and processes.
  • The scripts can be compiled into executables.
  • Unicode support starting with version
  • Support for 64-bit code starting with version
  • Supports regular expressions.
  • Works with the specific Windows Vista UAC.
  • Support for object-oriented programming using AutoItObject.


AutoIt works in a single thread, which makes asynchronous programming and parallelism very difficult. The situation can be remedied using COM objects, but this requires more written code.

AutoIt applications are sometimes mistakenly identified as viruses (false positives) by antivirus applications that use heuristic scanning.


AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple and built into macOS used on corporate computers, starting with System 7.

AppleScript language consists of commands that can be used to control the operating system, the exchange of data between applications, and for automation programs. AppleScript can perform simple calculations and complex word processing, and is also extensible, allowing you to use add-ons to add new features to the language.

AppleScript can perform simple calculations and complex word processing, and is also extensible, allowing you to use add-ons to add new features to the language. They can quickly connect multiple applications into a single automated complex. However, AppleScript relies primarily on the functionality of applications and side processes to handle complex tasks.

AppleScript has some object-oriented programming elements, especially when programming script objects and “natural language” syntax, but it doesn’t strictly fit one or the other category.

About the author

Ilias spiros
By Ilias spiros

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