AuthorIlias spiros

The anatomy of an HTML website


This article concludes the essential HTML elements, but they are not useful alone. Next, you’ll look at how individual elements are combined to form an entire HTML page. Here we have: – <! DOCTYPE html> – doctype. In 1992, when HTML was in its infancy, doctype elements were meant to act as links to a set of rules that the HTML page had to follow in order to be considered...

The anatomy of an HTML element


For example, take into consideration the following line of content: \ My dog ​​is very nice If you want the line to stand out, you could specify that it is a paragraph by including it in paragraph tags: \ <p> My dog ​​is very nice </p> The anatomy of an HTML element Next, we will explore this paragraph element a little more. The main parts of our element are: 1. Opening tag: This...

Basic knowledge regarding HTML


File paths In order for files to communicate with each other, you must provide a file path between them – basically a way for a file to know where another file is. To demonstrate this, we will add a little HTML code in our index.html file. 1. Copy the image you chose earlier in the images directory. 2. Open the index.html file and add the code below to the file, exactly as shown...

File management when creating a website


When you work on a local website on your computer, you should keep all associated files in a single directory that reflects the file structure of the website published on the server. This directory can exist anywhere you want, but you should put it somewhere where you can easily find it, maybe on the Desktop, in the Home directory, or at the root of the HDD. 1. Choose a place to store your site...

Planning and identifying the resources needed to create a website


Web design First: Planning Before you do anything, you need some ideas. What should your site actually do? A site can do just about anything, but for your first attempt, you should not complicate it. You will start by creating a simple web page with a title, image and a few paragraphs. To begin with, you will need to answer the following questions: 1. What is your website about? 2. What...

Basic notions when creating a website


It takes a lot of work to create a professional website, and if you are new to web development, I encourage you to start gradually. You won’t build another Facebook right away, but it’s not difficult to publish your own website online, so we’ll start from there. By browsing the articles listed below, in order, you will start from scratch and get to publish your first web page...

Visual programming


Conventional programming languages ​​are difficult to learn and use, requiring skills that many people do not have. For this reason, user interfaces from a wide range of programs have begun to come with facilities that complement and facilitate programming capabilities. Visual programming is programming in which more than one size is used to convey information. Examples of such additional...

GNU Flex and GNU bison


GNU Flex At the conceptual level, the compiler is a program that translates from one language to another. Most often, the compiler translates from a high-level language (C, C ++, Java), which is written and understood by a programmer, into a low-level language (bytecode, assembly language, machine code) that can be more than executed by the processor. The lexical analysis is the first step in the...

What is the DOS OS


DOS (Disk Operating System) is a single-tasking, single-user command-line operating system. Microsoft created the original version in 1981 for IBM and was called PC-DOS. Microsoft then ported and sold the system to IBM-PC compatible computers manufactured by others than IBM under the name of the Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS). This version was the most popular OS at the time. In...

ALGOL, AutoIt and AppleScript programming languages


ALGOL which is short for ALGOrithmic Language is a programming language suitable for writing algorithms. It was made in 1959, but the most widespread version is ALGOL-60, which was adopted at an international conference in Paris and was perfected by specialists from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). ALGOL was used on large numerical computers. the SUBSETALGOL-60...

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