Cassandra is a free and open source database management system that can be used to manage large amounts of data across multiple servers. It is trusted, clustered and specially designed to handle enormous amounts of structured data. Cassandra also supports replication and multi-replication data center for redundancy, fail over, and disaster recovery. The Cassandra database is one of the most...
How to mount the physical memory from a Linux system as a partition
In Linux distributions there are two file systems that allow you to create a file system based on a part of RAM and that can be mounted and used as a normal directory, writing or read from any regular partition. But since writing/reading is made directly from RAM, the speed will be higher, even a few times higher than a normal SSD. What is a RAM disk? Basically, a RAM-based file system is...
Linux Image Editors – Alternatives to Photoshop
Linux users are stuck in a dilemma: Although the freedom to use open source software is great and highly appreciated, the operating system has only a small percentage of the regular users market (I do not count servers, which in a high proportion, use Linux), which makes certain large-scale industrial programs in Windows (for example, Adobe Photoshop) not being ported by the developer on Linux...
Different types of RAID
RAID, short for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is an HDD configuration designed to provide shorter access times and system security in case of hardware errors. The RAID concept combines multiple hard disk drives into one logical disk drive with higher storage capacity, using a hardware component or software application. Hardware solutions are designed to present the system to which they...
What is Apache Hadoop used for?
Apache Hadoop is a framework that facilitates the processing of large and extensive data sets on multiple computers using a simple programming model: map/reduce paradigm. Instead of relying on high-availability hardware, the framework itself is designed to detect application-level errors. It is an open source project under the Apache Foundation, with a global community of contributors, the most...
What is Kafka in big data?
The article aims to present a series of general notions about Kafka and the role this system plays in the Big Data ecosystem. One of Big Data’s biggest challenges is the data analysis part. But to meet this challenge, it is essential to focus our attention on how we manage to collect this data? The Apache Kafka system comes into our aid. Kafka is distinguished as an open-source project of...
What is SNMP
SNMP is a communications protocol that allows remote monitoring and remote management of devices running on an Ethernet network. Remote management requires: 1. A communication protocol (SNMP protocol); 2. Management Information Bases, MIB. 3. An SNMP agent. 4. An SNMP Manager. The SNMP protocol runs at the application level of the TCP/IP protocols stack and is used by managers and agents to...
502 Bad Gateway
We usually get this error when we try to access a web page and the first web server is not receiving a response from another web server along with the route on which the data passes. Often this signifies a problem for the website and most of the time we can’t do anything about it, but there are exceptions when the problem can be from the network configuration or our own device. A 502 Bad...
Apache versus nginx
Apache Apache is an open source HTTP server which is developed by an open community of programmers working together under the Apache Software Foundation. The application is available for a wide variety of operating systems including Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Novell NetWare, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows. The Apache server was always a free and open source software, sometimes being regarded as...
What is cURL
cURL is software that mostly works as a command line utility and library used to transfer data on a variety of protocols. The largest number of commercial users of Curl are in Japan and other Asian countries, but Curl is fairly accessible in the West. Curl Headquarters is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the Sumisho Computer Systems Corp wholly owns it. cURL supports a wide variety of...