
How to secure your linux – Fail2ban


Fail2ban Fail2ban is a very good tool for hardening linux against brute-force attacks. It works by checking logs and creating iptable rules once the rules are triggered. The following guide is for Ubuntu/Debian who’s repos already provide the required pacakges. For CentOS/RHEL, epel-release repo must be installed first. Update the packages and install fail2ban: apt update && apt -y...

How to secure your linux – Public key authentication


Why the fuss about security? Linux is secure by default but the multitude of options at your disposal are plenty and rather loose or very customizable. Some basic options do not work out of the box but there is nothing preventing you to enable them. Public key authentication It is the most basic and simple way to login via SSH but it’s not uncrackable. The best way by far is using Public...

How to create a Teamspeak server


What is Teamspeak? Teamspeak is a VoIP software mostly used by videogame players to communicate to each other by talking instead of typing. Using a VoIP (Voice over IP) app is crucial when playing multiplayer games with your friends without having to type in order to talk.   Prerequisites You will need the following tools in order to create your own Teamspeak server: An SSH client –...

How to use Areca CLI


Areca CLI In order to monitor, configure or get a report from an Areca RAID controller, the best tool to use is the Areca command line interface names cli32 or cli64 (for 64 bit systems). Commands are mostly the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions therefore the following examples will be using cli32. Some basic examples: Show a list of possible commands: cli32 main Show the current RAID set...

How to secure Windows Remote Desktop (RDP)


How secure is Windows RDP? By default, a Remote Desktop session is operated via an encrypted channel which prevents anyone to view your session by network listening methods. Although this is a secure method, it is still susceptible to “man-in-the-middle-attack” to a certain degree as well as a form of brute-force attacks or simple guesses if the attacker has any info on your general...

Install MetaTrader on linux


MetaTrader , as the name suggests, is a platform designed for trading Forex. It is available on several systems like Windows or Linux. This tutorial will cover Linux installation on a RDP-enable VPS. Prerequisites: An Ubuntu RDP-enabled linux VPS. You can find one at MVPS.NET, the minimum recommended is the Basic variant. Putty or any other SSH client. The installation process is comprised of...

Install Resilio Sync on linux


Resilio Sync (formerly known as BitTorrent Sync) is a P2P file transfer tool based on the torrent protocol. Its main advantages compared to classic transfer tools are speed, simplicity and the very foundation it was built on: torrent-style transfers. In simple terms, the more “nodes” you have the faster the information can be uploaded or downloaded, at the same time. This tool works...

How to use TW CLI


TW_CLI is a CLI tool for 3Ware RAID cards configuration. It provides in-depth control, various RAID configurations, monitoring and general tweaking of the present devices. The following are a few examples of some useful commands. You can either invoke the tool by 1. inserting tw_cli followed by enter or 2. run the commands directly by including the tw_cli as the first argument. tw_cli > Enter...

How to use HPACUCLI


HPACUCLI or HP Array Configuration Utility is the tool to use when it comes to HP Array controllers on HP servers. The tools helps configure all the specifics and parameters related to the array controller of the server. It is available in CLI and GUI and has quite a few useful commands. First off, abbreviations you should know about: drivewritecache = dwc controller = ctrl logicaldrive = ld...

How to install Linux Malware Detect


Security is the 1st priority for a stable running online machine and should not be neglected at any time. Some may forget that even though viruses do not “exist” on linux, some types of malware can wreak havoc on your system. Linux Malware Detect (or LMD) is a nifty little tool which uses the ClamAV engine. In the following tutorial, I will show you how to install and use it. 1...

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