
The cloud computing weapons – which are they and how they can help your business


The IT technology is advancing so fast that it is very easy for practitioners to lose in this mix of information. It has been demonstrated that traditional data storage methods no longer work because they are more expensive and therefore less manageable. Traditional methods require expensive equipment for a well functioning, as well as an expert team to install, configure and maintain them. Cloud...

Permissions for folders and files in Linux


To begin with, it should be noted that in a UNIX system (also applicable to Linux systems), anything that is not a file then it is a process. Linux does not make any difference between a directory and a file, because the directory is nothing but a file that contains the names of other files. Almost everything we encounter in a Linux system is a file; if it is not a file then it is a process. File...

What is LinSSID


A Wi-Fi analyzer is just a conventional computing device (laptop, tablet, or smartphone) with installed software that lets you take a closer look at the wireless networks in your area. This app can tell you not only the strength of your network signal. , but also information about the power and the operating channel/frequency of other networks in the area. These are the key data because sometimes...

What is the Master PDF Editor


Master PDF Editor is a pdf editing tool that can edit or add a text or image and password to a pdf file. Using this pdf editing application, you can share, merge and remove pages from a pdf file. Master PDF editor offers you many features such as: 1. Create new pdf or edit existing ones 2. Add and/or edit bookmarks in pdf files 3. Quick and easy completion of a pdf form 4. Changing font...

What is UEFI


UEFI is a program that can be viewed as a more robust and modern BIOS. It has the same role as the BIOS, but it also has some advantages over it, such as encryption, remote diagnosis and computer repair even if the system does not have an installed operating system. This type of BIOS was invented by Intel and was released in 2005. UEFI has become popular since the launch of the Windows 8...

A short description of how to use Total Commander


Total Commander is a file manager that no longer requires any presentation. It is, from many points of view, the best. The functions mentioned in the other programs are also found in Total Commander. Beyond the standard features, its functionality can extend far beyond standard boundaries. And this is done with the help of plugins. If you search the internet for a description for Total Commander...

The SESAME protocol


The Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment (SESAME) is the result of a European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) project designed to optimize and extend the Kerberos protocol for distributed network control. The architecture of the SESAME system uses a two-tier hierarchy of keys: 1. A simple key – established and used between an initiating SACM and the...

How to use WinSCP


WinSCP (Windows Secure CoPy) is a free and Open Source, FTP client and SSH client running under Microsoft Windows. Its main function is to transfer files between the local computer and other computers in the LAN or WAN. WinSCP also has other features: File manager, File synchronization, File editing. The SSH and SCP protocols are used for file transfer. Characteristics:     1. Graphical Interface...

How to use PuTTY


PuTTY is a free and open source program that emulates a terminal as a client for SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP protocol as well as client for serial consoles. The name “PuTTY” has no meaning whatsoever, reflecting the “through TTY” procedure where “TTY” refers to “terminal” in UNIX terminology (TTY is short for Teletype). PuTTY implements the...

RPC – Remote Procedure Call


RPC is a powerful technique for building distributed applications based on the client-server model. The model extends the notion of local call procedure, the difference being that the called procedure is not in the same addressing space with the calling procedure. The two processes involved may be on the same computer or may be on two computers in the network. Using PRC, distributed application...

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