
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol – LDAP


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol used to query and modify directory service over TCP/IP. A directory is a set of objects with attributes organized in a hierarchical structure. A LDAP directory tree most often reflects political boundaries, geographic one or other organizations, depending on the chosen model. LDAP users currently prefer DNS to structure levels of a...

What is Fail2Ban


A permanently connected server is a chosen target for external attacks. Although using a firewall reduces the risk of attacks, to control password-protected access to one or more unsuccessful connection requests, we use Fail2Ban that is highly effective for Bruteforce attacks. Fail2ban is a tool that bans IPs that try to log in with SSH with the wrong user/pass. When we talk about hosting...

What is OAuth


OAuth is a free protocol that allows access to resources on another website without disclosing login credentials (username and password) to the website where the access to those shared resources is needed (images, videos, email, bank accounts, etc.) It is basically a key or a badge for a visitor, which has more restricted access to the personal resources on a website than if they were accessed...

The Express Platform


Express is a minimal and flexible platform that provides a set of features for easy and fast web application development: 1. It is integrated with different middle-ware to which it delegates HTTP requests and responses; 2. Defines a route system through which it determines what action is taken based on the resource that is requested and the method used; 3. Allows the generation of Internet pages...

What is cron and cronjob


In UNIX, cron is a job scheduler that allows actions to be performed at a time. Actions are generally defined by scripts, and they are run by cron at regular time intervals. It is mainly used to manage the system, but it can also be used for general activities such as Internet connection or downloading emails. Each line in the crontab file is a cron expression followed by the shell command to be...

What is LVM?


Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is a disk virtualization mechanism. LVM is a technology similar to RAID arrays or Windows storage in some ways. Although this technology is especially useful on servers, it can also be used on desktop Pcs. The first question is whether you even want to use LVM with the Ubuntu installation. Ubuntu makes it easy to activate by simply clicking, but this option is...

What is Nagios ?


The need to monitor the IT network occurs in any situation where critical business processes exist, regardless of the size of the network. Taking into account the specifics of the network (size, type of operating systems), type of business (monitoring requirements, legislative restrictions, budget, …) and other aspects (ease of installation and configuration, technical team skills) a...

Mumble – a VoIP solution for communication for gamers


Mumble is a very stable VoIP solution for gamers that has a purpose to give the impression of being in the same room to those who use it. This means a very high quality sound compression, background noise filtering, echo cancellations, and last but not least, not delayed communication. Reproducing the voice without using any filters attached to the recording and/or playback equipment is quite... is now present in The United Kingdom!


In an effort to continuously improve our services, mVPS management team has decided to expand our VPS hosting services to yet another country, the United Kingdom. After carefully analyzing new opportunities for expansion and exciting markets based on customer reviews, the UK came first on a very short-list of new countries where the VPS demand is soaring. WIth an advanced economy and a population...

What is Memcached


Memcached is an open source distributed caching system that can be used on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Unix, with a key-value-based architecture. The key cannot exceed 255 characters and the value is limited to 1 MB. All information is stored on servers in the RAM. We should not forget that the speed of reading in virtual memory is much faster. For example, reading takes place in RAM at 800 MB/s...

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