How do I access User Account Control (UAC) settings


User Account Control is a security feature of the Windows operating systems introduced in Windows Vista. Those who have ever used a Linux operating system know that they require an administrator’s approval before installing the programs and making changes to the system settings. Well, the same thing is making the User Account Control in Windows and therefore, for security reasons, I recommend you do not disable this feature. However, if you insist…

Changing the User Account Control settings can be made from the User Account Control Settings window. There are several ways to open it.

One way is to start the Control Panel and go to “System and Security -> Change User Account Control Settings”.

In Windows 10, open the search box on the navigation bar and type “UAC” as a search term. Then, click on the “Change User Account Control Settings” result.

In Windows 8.1, search using the term “UAC” directly on the Start screen. In the list of results, click on “Change User Account Control Settings”.

In Windows 7, open the Start Menu and search using the term “UAC”. Then click on the “Change User Account Control Settings” result.

The User Account Control Settings window is displayed on the screen.

How to Change the User Account Control (UAC) level in Windows

The User Account Control Settings window has a switch that you can use to adjust the User Account Control level. By default, in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, the UAC is set to notify you when the programs are trying to make changes to your computer.

You can move the switch to any of the four available levels: “I always want notification,” “I only want notification when programs are trying to make changes to the computer (with desktop blurring),” “I only want notification when programs try to make changes to my computer (without desktop blurring) and “Never want notification”.

To change the User Account Control level, move the switch to the desired position and press OK. Depending on the previous UAC setting, you may receive a UAC prompt asking you to confirm the execution of this change.

Save your changes by pressing the OK button. Starting from that point (it may be necessary to restart your computer), User Account Control should not ask for confirmation before installing or running a new program, if you have disable it, nor when a program or you are attempting to change the important settings of operating system. Disabling the User Account Control Utilities seriously reduces the level of protection of your computer, so you need to perform these actions consciously.


As you can see in this guide, changing the User Account Control levels is very easy to do in all modern versions of Windows. The four available levels give you enough flexibility to keep your PC safe and without too much annoyance because you get too many User Account Control prompts. We are curious to find out what level of UAC you use and why.

About the author

Ilias spiros
By Ilias spiros

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